Business Domain
Telecom & IT domain
The founders of SEEB consulting are from Telecom/IT TOP500 company, have abundant experience in Telecom/IT solutions Reselling, Design, Installation, Debugging and Professional Service.
Merger & Acquisition Domain
SEEB Consulting cooperates with CCAA to help our China and Europe customers to expand their business in Europe and China.
Enterprise Strategy Consulting
SEEB Consulting cooperates with Huoking Consulting, we can provide professional enterprise strategy consulting service.
Enterprise Visit Service
SEEB Consulting can help our China customers to visit different kinds of enterprises in Europe; we also can help our Europe customers to visit different kinds of enterprises in China.
Company Platform Construction
SEEB Consulting can help our China customers to know the politic, law, tax, economic information in Europe, to help them to build their subsidiaries or new companies in Europe.
Intermediate Consulting Service
With our resources and social network, SEEB Consulting can provide intermediate service for companies, specially for China companies to expand their new marketing in Europe.
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